fredag den 21. februar 2025

Fidgety no more

Fidgety is how I feel,
Waiting and waiting some more.
I hear the sounds of the wheels
Oh, will they stop at my door?

Fidgety I am still now
After the waiting is done
I think that maybe - somehow
again I'll be waiting alone.

This is how I this Monday - for Poetry Monday - told about spending most of my day waiting at a hospital. The bedside, I sat at, was my mothers. We were told that it was nothing serious, no inflammation, no infection, and not Covid either, so I stayed at her bedside, talking, reminiscing, answering questions, trying to ally her worries until the transport (the wheels of my verse) came to take her home to her own longed for bed once more.

The verse also foresee more such episodes, and already Tuesday I was told that she had been hospitalised once more. One hour later the hospital called me again. Now the news were dire, I called, messaged, and wrote to all family members, and most of us, siblings, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren gathered at her bed. We talked, we "fed" her coca-cola in small sips, we even joked and laughed, subdued, but still. Next day, Wednesday, she passed peacefully while my sister sat at her side.

Honestly, I can't say I'm devastated or even very grief-stricken. Like I said about the Walrus -- I'm sad yes, but also ... relieved, if I may say so. She was 90 years old, weak, more than half blind and tired of living. Of course I am going to miss her - we all are  - but she passed gently and is now at peace.

mandag den 17. februar 2025

Poetry Monday :: Fidgety

Poetry Monday it is. It is rhyming time. I love to rhyme and make poetry, only today I spent most of the day waiting in a hospital. Not for my self, for a relative. Nothing serious - or at least nothing a stay at a hospital can cure. I foresee more such episodes, Even this can be made into verse ... Sorry for rambling.

Fidgety is how I feel,
Waiting and waiting some more.
I hear the sounds of the wheels
Oh, will they stop at my door?

Fidgety I am still now
After the waiting is done
I think that maybe - somehow
again I'll be waiting alone.

- - - - - - -

Up and coming:
February 17: Fidgety
February 24: Fluffy
March 3: Station
March 10: Ghost
March  17: Steam
March  24: Orange
March  31: Turn

onsdag den 12. februar 2025

Where Did We go?

Normally when I totally disappear from Blogland for more than a few days it is because I'm not at home and able to use my computer.

It was like this ... we rose in the middle of the nigth on January 30. Then we went to Copenhagen by taxi, train and metro - the buses had not started running yet. Then we fought a digital device ... standard for us apparently on these occasions - stood in line, then we went out into the dark and cruel cold night and waited some more and took another vehicle, waited once more, then we waited some more and took a bus ...

And then we were here:

Next day I was woken up by a solitary bird singing from a plane tree:

We visited the church dedicated to this guy and afterwards we went down into the catacombs


I think by now you all have guessed that we went to Rome.

The Scandinavian bishops' Conference had organized a pilgrimage for the holy year, and we were 150 from all Denmark and around 1000 people from the Scandinavian countries, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland. Including all seven bishops! One from each of the dioceses of Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland, and all three from Norway.

More pictures:

Waiting for our turn to go through the holy door in the Lateran Basilica, the bishop of Copenhagen tells a bit about the church.

That same afternoon we went through the holy door in S. Maria Maggiore.

Next day was the high point of the pilgrimage:

Meeting the pope

Through the holy door in Saint Peter's

And mass with all the Scandinavian bishops there.

Of course we also saw other places, ate pizzas - not much ice, as it was quite chilly - drank cappuccinos and just enjoyed the stay. Of course we hope to return to this city once again.

I even succeeded in using almost all the Words for Wednesday:
1 - cruel
2 - return
3 - sneak
4 - solitary
5 - middle

And my colour? I'm sure the sky, or the mosaics or the water or ...contain

mandag den 10. februar 2025

Poetry Monday :: Funny

Every Monday is Poetry Monday.

Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health and relaxation, travelling the world with her husband as far as we can tell.
We just hope she's going to take back over once she returns home again.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

Funny - I'm not very funny today, but then I remebered this verse ... it is funny and it even contains the word funny.

I eat my peas with honey;
I've done it all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny,
But it keeps them on the knife.

- - - - - - -

Up and coming:
February 10: Funny
February 17: Fidgety
February 24: Fluffy

March  3: Station
March  10: Ghost
March  17: Steam
March  24: Orange
March  31: Turn

Jeg er hjemme igen ~ I'm Back

Kære læsere, venner og bekendte i blogland.
Så er Uglemor landet igen. Det varer lidt, får der kommer fuld fart på bloggen, men det kommer.

 -- 🦉 -- 💙 --

Dearest readers, friends and acquaintances in Blog-land.
MotherOwl has landed, and will slowly ease back into blogging.